Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Brrr It's Cold In Here

After months and months of quite comfortable weather in Riverton, Old Man Winter is rearing his ugly face. This past weekend the temperatures dipped well below zero, hitting -21 degrees in some places around the state. In Riverton we saw it nearing -15 degrees.
Addie had enough of this weather and pulled out her warmest hat. She looked like a little Canook or as The Ranger folks said, Elmer Fudd. Either way she stayed warm and looked adorable!

Rest assured that our little bundle is bundled up for this cold weather as she braves her first Wyoming Winter....where only the tough ones live!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Tree Time

Addie really loves looking at the tree, so a few days ago I took some photos of her in front of it!

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

Even though we don't have much snow, Christmas is right around the corner!
Derek put up the lights a few weeks ago and they turned out great! It makes the house look beautiful!
We put up the Christmas tree Thanksgiving weekend and it is also very pretty. Addie loves to look at the lights and all the colorful ornaments!

Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 1, 2008


Derek picked this up for Addie a few weeks ago, and she LOVES it! She is already spinning herself around in it and playing with all the toys. Here are a few pictures of her playing in her new big girl toy!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Thanksgiving was a busy busy day at the Peart house. The night before, Thanksgiving Eve if you will, Derek stayed up until 3 a.m. roasting turkey for the Key Club meal project. Claire struggled to get out of bed at 6 a.m. and loaded up those turkeys and headed to RHS. 13 more turkeys showed up along with tons, I mean tons, of food to dish up and deliver to those in need around Riverton. Lots of volunteers showed up and helped make the entire event a huge success. It was wonderful to see so many people help others in need.
Then it was off to have 2 dinners....
Addison's first Thanksgiving turned out much better than Derek and Claire anticipated. 
First we went to the Peart's. Derek's sister Nikki and her family were there from Ft. Collins, his brother Rick from Denver along with his parents. It was a very nice meal and she sat at the table like a little lady. After dinner a few games of ladder golf (AKA toss the testes) and ladder bag were played, and Derek was one game shy of undefeated!
Next, we headed to the Manning house to have dinner #2. The food was great as was the company. Claire's parents, sister Catherine and her boyfriend Cody, co-workers Wayne, Katie and Martin rounded out the crowd. The annual puzzle was put together and after dinner some Wii was played. We called California to brush up on our Pass the Buck rules and played a few rounds. 4 to the right, 5 to the left and 6 to the middle! Derek won round 1, Carl rounds 2 & 3.
Here are some pics of our little Turkey on her first Thanksgiving.
P.S. She did enjoy some sweet potatoes and rice cereal for her dinner!